
Welcome to Omnisizes.com  — your go-to hub for all things size and measurement-related!

We bring to you an extensive database of dimensions, comparisons, and visual aids for a wide array of everyday objects and spaces. From common stationery items to the things we eat every day, we delve into the metrics that make up our world. Our goal is to be the most authoritative online resource for anyone seeking accurate size data.

Whether you’re a designer, DIY enthusiast, or someone who’s ever thought, “Will it fit?”, this site is for you. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get measuring!

Our Team

Hang Thong

Hang Thong is an online editor and writer with an extensive background in computer programming. She became infatuated with statistics, information and sizes of objects and spaces around her and for years has been diving into these. With a keen eye for detail, statistics and spaces, she did her best research to have the best information online about the dimensions of everyday objects and spaces.

[Read all articles by Hang].

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