9 Amazing Things that Are 2 Centimeters Long

If you’re trying to figure out what 2 centimeters looks like without a ruler, good luck. It’s the same as 0.787402 inches, but that doesn’t help much with visualizing 2 centimeters, does it? Well, what you can do is use items that you know measure 2 centimeters. So, what are those items?

You can use the following everyday objects as approximations of what 2 centimeters looks like:

  • microSD card
  • 13 pennies
  • Nickel
  • 3 pencil erasers
  • First joint of index finger
  • Die
  • 2 ladybugs
  • Size 8 rubber band
  • Cherry

1. microSD card

microSD card
MicroSD Card / Shutterstock

Imagine a tiny guardian of digital treasures, no bigger than your fingernail, yet capable of storing thousands of photos, songs, or documents. A microSD works through a combination of science and magic, with those metallic contacts actually doing all of the sending and receiving. It’s the digital equivalent of fitting an elephant into a mini cooper.

While tiny, these portable data storage mechanisms pack quite the capacity. A single card can hold up to 1.5 TB of data while maintaining the standard 2-centimeter width. Just for fun, if you wanted to measure 2 centimeters in terms of microSD height, you’d need a stack of 20.

2. 13 Pennies

13 Pennies
Pennies / Shutterstock

Often found under sofa cushions or in the “take a penny, leave a penny” tray, these copper-colored warriors are what you may think of when the word “change” comes up. Though they might seem like the lightweight of your wallet, they add up over time. Ever tried stacking them into a tower? Good luck beating the tallest penny tower (121) in the world!

The tallest penny tower surpasses the 2 centimeters we’re looking for. Since a single penny measures 1.52 millimeters thick, you’d only need a stack of 13 to reach 2 centimeters.

3. Nickel

Nickel / Shutterstock

The nickel, five cents of smooth, metallic coolness, feels like a mini frisbee for squirrels. It’s the sturdy middle child of the coin family, often overshadowed by its shinier siblings but crucial for exact change. Back in the 1870s, nickel was made of silver. So, if you have any nickels from over 2 centuries ago, keep them for a rainy day.

If you don’t have more than a dozen pennies on hand to measure 2 centimeters, a single nickel will do. Nickels measure 1.95 millimeters in diameter, which is only 0.05 millimeters shy of 2 centimeters. Of course, this is assuming your nickel is still in its original shape.

4. 3 Pencil Erasers

3 Pencil Erasers
Pencil Erasers / Shutterstock

Not all pencils have erasers, but the ones that do are definitely worth using. The tiny pink, white, or black cylindrical erasers allow you to delete any mistakes you’ve made with the lead. Just a few rubs, and voilà, your “teh” becomes “the.” Beware of their kryptonite, though: age turns them into rock-hard, paper-smearing menaces.

If you were to measure the diameter of a pencil eraser, you might get a figure of about ¼ of an inch or 6 millimeters. Take 3 pencils and lay them side by side to get a total width of 18 millimeters or decently close to 2 centimeters.

5. First Joint of Index Finger

First Joint of Index Finger
First Joint of Index Finger / Shutterstock

Your index finger is always ready to point out the world’s wonders or accuse the empty fridge of its emptiness. It’s the champion of touchscreens, the relentless scroller of feeds, and the most reliable of all your built-in tools. It’s like having a loyal assistant, always at your beck and call, unless it’s wrapped in a bandage—then it’s more like a mummified sidekick.

While the length of your finger may differ from another person’s, the typical length of the first joint of an index finger is around 1 inch. And since 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters, that’s pretty close to the 2-centimeter mark we’re trying to measure by eye.

6. Dice

Dice / Shutterstock

These little cubes of fate are the thrill-seekers of the board game world. Each toss is a leap into the unknown, where a single roll can spell triumph or disaster. They’re the life of the party on any game night, bringing a dash of drama and a sprinkle of suspense. They come in more shapes than just the cuboids we commonly use after a long-winded game of Monopoly.

Like most things in life, dice comes in more than just 1 size. Their common dimensions are 14 and 16 millimeters on all sides, which is pretty close to 2 centimeters.

7. 2 Ladybugs

2 Ladybugs
Ladybugs / Shutterstock

The ladybug flutters about with the grace of a ballerina and the precision of a fighter jet. These little insects munch on pests while bringing a pop of color to your day. Spotting one is a mini celebration, a moment of luck on 6 tiny legs.

Measuring a dozen ladybugs will yield a dozen different measurements, but on average, an adult ladybug measures 10 millimeters long. If you manage to get 2 to stand in a line, you’ll have your 2 centimeters. The number of spots doesn’t matter.

8. Size 8 Rubber Band

Size 8 Rubber Band
Size 8 Rubber Band / Shutterstock

This stretchy loop of wonder is the MacGyver of office supplies. They are ready to solve any packaging dilemma or keep those pesky cords in check. They are flexible enough to wrap around anything you throw at it before snapping back to its original shape. However, like the common eraser, these things can lose their flexibility over time due to dryness.

There’s a rubber band size for every occasion. One of the smallest common sizes is size 8, which is about 7/8 of an inch or 2.22 centimeters long. These figures refer to the unstretched dimensions of the rubber band.

9. Cherry

Cherry / Shutterstock

Nature’s glossy little gem, the cherry perches atop desserts with the elegance of a crown jewel. Biting into one is a burst of summer in your mouth, a sweet yet tart dance of flavors. They’re the perfect fruit to add to a pie or the perfect snack if you don’t mind spitting out the pits. And make sure you spit the pits out—nobody wants a brush with death after eating just 3 pits!

These heart-shaped fruits are available in all sorts of sizes, but they are commonly 2 centimeters wide. A single one of these drupes is the perfect makeshift ruler for measuring such a tiny distance!