Trying to figure out how long 30 meters is? The best thing you can use for such a far distance is a laser measure. But if you don’t have one? Knowing that 30 meters is the same as 98.4252 feet won’t do you much good, but what will is using everyday objects and references.
You can use the following objects to gauge what 30 meters looks like by eye:
- 1-1/2 rowing shells
- 8 kayaks
- 2 garden hoses
- 7 compact cars
- 2-1/4 badminton courts
- 1-1/2 bowling lanes
- 31 folding chairs
- 43-3/4 washing machines
- 2-1/2 school buses
1. 1-1/2 Rowing Shells
Rowing shells are like the sports cars of the water. These boats are so narrow, it’s a wonder they don’t tip over with just a harsh look! But that’s where the magic of balance and teamwork comes into play. If you’ve ever tried rowing, you’ll know it’s less about brute force and more about rhythm and harmony.
The size of a rowing shell depends on how many rowers you have. A shell for 8 rowers measures around 18.9 meters, so about 1-1/2 of them will come up at the 30-meter mark. If you have single-person rowing shells (8.2 meters), you’d need slightly more than 3-1/2 of them.
2. 8 Kayaks
Kayaks are the adventurous soloist’s dream. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of boats: compact, versatile, and ready for anything from a tranquil paddle in a calm lake to braving the rapids. Kayaking is the perfect excuse to escape the busy life, and you can even ride with a partner in a single kayak.
Kayaks and rowing shells share several things in common, including how many sizes there are. The length of a kayak depends on what type it is, with recreational kayaks measuring about 3.66 meters long. In such a case, 8 of them lined up will reach 30 meters.
3. 2 Garden Hoses
Whether you’re waging war on dirt, giving your thirsty plants a drink, or setting up a makeshift sprinkler for the kids, the humble garden hose stands ready. It’s amazing how something so simple can be so versatile. And let’s not forget the surprise shower when you forget to check if the nozzle is turned off before turning on the tap.
Garden hoses generally measure between 25 and 100 feet, with 50 feet being a common choice. With 2 of these 50 footers, you would have an overall length of close to 30 meters. Alternatively, you could use a single 100-foot garden hose.
4. 7 Compact Cars
Compact cars squeeze into parking spots that most drivers wouldn’t even consider. They’re efficient, economical, and surprisingly roomy inside. Driving one feels like you’re wearing the car rather than riding in it, zipping around town with the greatest of ease. Who says size matters?
The dimensions of a compact car will depend on its make and model, but the average length is about 13.9 feet or 4.2372 meters. To get to 30 meters, you’d need to park 7 of them bumper to bumper.
5. 2-1/4 Badminton Courts
Badminton courts are where the shuttlecock is the star, and your racket is your sword. It’s a game that can go from “friendly backyard activity” to “Olympic-level intensity” in the blink of an eye. The court may look small, but when you’re sprinting back and forth, it feels like a 6-kilometer marathon. There’s a special kind of satisfaction in hitting the shuttlecock just right and sending it zooming over the net.
Whether you enjoy playing doubles or singles, the length of the badminton court will remain the same—13.4 meters. Imagine 2-1/4 of these courts mashed together by their service lines, and you’ll have your 30 meters (or pretty close to it).
6. 1-1/2 Bowling Lanes
Bowling lanes are where we go to prove that, yes, we can indeed throw a heavy ball in a straight line. Except when we can’t, and it takes a leisurely detour into the gutter. The sound of pins crashing is music to our ears, a symphony of victory, or so we tell ourselves. And let’s not forget the fashion statement that is bowling shoes.
If you thought bowling was easy, imagine rolling a ball across a polished 18.29-meter-long surface. That’s how far the ball has to travel before colliding with the pins and hopefully knocking a few of them down. Now, imagine doing so on a lane that’s 1-1/2 times its size, and that will be your 30 meters.
7. 31 Folding Chairs
Folding chairs are there when you need them, and out of sight when you don’t. They pop up at picnics, parties, and anywhere else you need a quick seat. Sure, they might not be the throne you’d pick to watch TV in, but they have a certain charm, especially when they decide to fold up unexpectedly.
Not all folding chairs are built the same. One size that seems to be common is around 38 inches (0.9652 meters) in height when folded. If you have 31 of these chairs place in a line, they’ll have a collective length of slightly over 30 meters.
8. 43-3/4 Washing Machines
Washing machines bravely take on the challenge of our dirty laundry and ask very little in return. They spin our clothes into oblivion, only to return them fresh and clean. Ever stood there watching the cycle, hypnotized by the swirling suds? It’s oddly satisfying, but the real mystery is where all the socks go.
A typical washing machine measures 27 inches (0.6858 meters) wide. Don’t mistake this for depth, which is the distance from the front to the back of the machine. Anyway, at 27 inches, you’d need close to 44 of them to get to 30 meters.
9. 2-1/2 School Buses
School buses are the yellow chariots that ferry our future leaders to their halls of learning. With their unmistakable “national school bus glossy yellow” color, they’re hard to miss. Riding one is a rite of passage, complete with assigned seating not by ticket, but by social hierarchy. And who knew that these vehicles could turn into a physics lesson on momentum and inertia, especially around those sharp turns?
The type C school bus is the most common, and it measures up to 38.9 feet (11.85672 meters) long. About 2-1/2 of them parked bumper to bumper will get you in the ballpark of 30 meters.