
Hang Thong

Hang Thong is an online editor and writer with an extensive background in computer programming. She became infatuated with statistics, information and sizes of objects and spaces around her and for years has been diving into these. With a keen eye for detail, statistics and spaces, she did her best research to have the best information online about the dimensions of everyday objects and spaces.

Posts by Hang Thong:

Things that Are 10 Meters Long

Have you ever found yourself trying to measure the length of something without a ruler? Well, how about measuring 10 meters without a measuring tape or laser measure? 10 meters, which is the same as 10.9361 yards or 32.8084 feet, can be difficult to guesstimate by eye. Unless, of course, you use everyday objects as size references.

Things that Are 7 Inches Long

Are you trying to figure out how long 7 inches is? A ruler might come in handy, but if you don’t have one, 7 inches is the same as 17.78 centimeters. Still confused? Don’t worry—that’s why this guide exists! Today, you’ll learn about several everyday objects that you can use to guesstimate 7 inches.

Things that are 2 mm

Ever wondered just how small 2mm really is? From tiny objects in nature to precise tools in technology, 2mm is a measurement that packs more significance than you’d think. Dive into this fascinating list of 15 things that are exactly 2mm and explore the surprising diversity of this minuscule dimension.

How big is an acre

Imagine standing in an open field, wondering about its size. You might be thinking, “How big is an acre?” An acre is 43,560 square feet. This unit of measurement can help you visualize plots of land. For instance, if you walk 209 feet by 209 feet, you’ve covered an acre.

Things that Are 7 Meters Long

Are you trying to figure out how long 7 meters is? It’s about the same as 22.9659 feet or 7.65529 yards. Still confused as to how long 7 meters looks? No surprise there—without a ruler, these numbers can’t help much when visualizing lengths. But what can help is using everyday objects as size references.

Desk Nameplate Dimensions

Typically, you’ll find desk nameplates measuring around 2 × 8 inches (5.08 × 20.32 cm). Other common sizes include 1 × 8 inches (2.54 × 20.32 cm) and 2 × 10 inches (5.08 × 25.4 cm). The ideal desk nameplate size is large enough to grab the reader’s attention without hogging too much desktop space.

Bucket hat dimensions

Bucket hat dimensions refer to the measurements of different parts of the hat, including the brim, crown, and circumference. Typical brim widths measure around 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.6 cm), while crown heights usually measure between 2 and 4 inches (5 to 10 cm). The circumference, fitting around the head, varies but often falls between 22 and 24.5 inches (56 and 62 cm) for adults.

Trucking Space Sizes

The typical truck parking space measures around 12 feet wide (3.7 m) and 40 feet long (12.2 m). The exact measurements depend on what is parked. For instance, semi-trucks with trailers may need as much as 12 × 100 feet (3.7 × 30.5 m) of parking space, while the semi-trailer alone requires just 12 × 55 feet (3.7 × 16.8 m) to park.

Things that Are 5 Inches Long

Rulers allow us to measure short lengths simply by placing the tool next to an object. But what if you want to get a measurement, say 5 inches, without said tool? Saying 5 inches is the same as 12.7 centimeters won’t help us much in this scenario. For such cases, your best bet is to use everyday objects you know measure about 5 inches long.

French Shoe Sizes & Size Chart

Have you ever purchased shoes online, only to end up with a pair that is too big or too small? Well, you’re certainly not alone in this, which is why it’s worth knowing different country’s shoe sizes. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect French shoe sizes, you’re in luck.

Things that Are 13 Inches Long

13 inches is 1 inch longer than a foot or 33.02 centimeters. While these conversions may help with math problems, they don’t do much if you’re trying to gauge 13 inches in your mind’s eye. Luckily, there are countless everyday objects we can use as references.

Milk Carton Sizes

Ever wonder why milk cartons come in so many sizes? Well, different milk carton sizes serve for different needs, from a quick school lunch to a big family breakfast. So, what are the classic milk cartons you can get at the supermarket?